program essai include '' integer*4 foo,method character addr*42, agent*60 character toto*100, host*100 character referer*200 c -------- must be first. cf CGI protocol write(6, 1) write(6, *) 1 format('Content-type: text/html') call cgi77_marker('ESSAI') call print_head write (6,*) '

' foo = cgi77_referer(referer) if (foo .eq. 1) then write(6,105) referer else write(6, *) 'use BACK to return to the form ?' endif 105 format ('back to the form') call print_end end c ---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine print_head write (6, 1) write (6, 2) write (6, 3) 1 format ('') 2 format ('essai CGI77') 3 format ('') end c ---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine print_end write (6, 2) 2 format ('') end c ----------------------------------------------------------------